Friday, February 29, 2008


Hi, peeps!!! I'm just extremely bored, so I'm going to write in my blog. Violet is right next to me, quoting everything that i say.  God, she is so annoying!!! whoops, she just saw that... I'm now in trouble... Dad just came in, and is telling us to go to bed. AT 11!!!! Sorry, but that's early to me. Great, now we're having a party!!! Beckett just came in, and is screaming at my dad. I'm used to it, though, because this is our usual thing that goes on. I'm also writing to tell you that i have just missed my deadline for the U.S.A. talent showcase, so i won't be able to do it. whatev. it was a stupid thing to do. It was SOOOOO expensive!!!! I'm kinda glad that I'm not doing it. 

Friday, February 22, 2008

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I am shaking as I write this message. I am extremely happy right now. And when I say extremely happy, I MEAN IT. Why, you may ask? Well, it's because I entered in a talent gig a few day ago called U.S.A. World Showcase. It is the chance for you to showcase what you do well, and if you win, you can get 1,000,000 dollars, if I am correct. So, they hadn't answered for a few days, so I was starting to get worried. But then today a letter came in the mail. It was from them, and I got chosen to be one of the people who compete in the thing. I was so happy. It is all the way in Las Vegas, at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel & Casino. AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! May this be the beginning of my singing career!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

mid-winter break is here!!!!

as you can see, i haven't written for the past few days. but, now that i am on mid-winter break :), i hope to have some adventures that i can share with you. so, keep on reading my blog, in hope of finding something good to read!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thank You

Thank you for the comments!!!!! i really appreciate them.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Send Me Comments

SEND ME COMMENTS!!!!!!!!! I feel very left out.
Either that, or you can tell me what to write about on my blog, or what i should do a poll about. it would really help, and i wouldn't feel as left out. so, if you have the heart to help a poor innocent (sometimes) girl, please, open up your heart, and give me something to write about that people will comment about.
did it work?????? the whole puppy dog poor innocent act????? whoops. i said too much.
Well, I'm waiting!!!!!!!! Im not getting any richer. ~sniff~ WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I feel very left out.

Across The Universe

I know that I am not a movie critic, but I have a great movie for you to see, if you love the Beatles. It is called Across The Universe, and it a love story about the 60's. It is based around Beatles songs, and it is just really good. The main characters are Jude and Lucy. Jude is from Liverpool, and he comes to America to find his long lost father. While he is there, he saves a boy named Max, and because he saves him, he invites him over to thanksgiving. this way, he meets Lucy. Then, after a big fight between Max and his parents, they move to New York. They meet some pretty interesting people, and it just goes on from there. Because I don't want to spoil the whole movie, I won't tell you anymore about what goes on in the movie. You'll just have to see the movie and find out for yourself! Personally, I think that this is the greatest movie ever created, and I think that everyone should see it. Peace!!!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

My Feelings

Have you ever felt like you could never live without someone?
Like they were the part of your life that you were missing,
And you never knew it,
Until you met them
And your whole life was turned around
With that one glance
That one smile
Those three little words--
I love you?
And then
He takes it completely back.
Then he goes
Around other girls
As if it shouldn't matter to you.
He thinks that no matter what he does,
You will always be there for him.
And you are.
Your heart is torn apart
By that one little glance,
That one little smile,
That one little touch of their hands.
That one little glance,
That one little smile,
That one little touch of their hands
Has teared my life apart,
Because I have lost the
Part of my life
To some other girl
That he said that he would never fall in love with?
He says that he loves me
And that he cares for me
But then the next day
I see him of with that other girl
Has jealousy driven me mad
Is that what all of this is about?
Have I just lost my

About Me

Well, now that I got this thing up and running, I guess that I should tell you a little about myself. For starters, I have very dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I am very tall for my age, which I am not telling you. About my height, I am about 5' 6", or 5' 7". I am a very outgoing person, and I can make friends easily. I love to play guitar, and I love to sing. I am in a chorus, and it is the best. I absolutely love to sing. I also play guitar really well. I have been playing for around two years, and it is my absolute passion. I also love to sail. Sailing is my passion. I love being out on the water, feeling the rush of the wind on my face, and the danger of keeling over, and getting hit on the head with the boom. I feel so free when I am out on the water, as if I could do anything. While I am talking about summer, I guess I should talk about my summer camp. I had been going there for around six or seven years, when I finally got too old for the camp. As I had nothing to do, they decided to let me be a C.I.T. (councelor in training). So, now I am a C.I.T. at my favorite camp eva!!!! I get to work with 3-6 year olds for the whole day!!! God, they are so cute. I love to see all of their smiling faces. I'm sorry that I sound superficial, but I seriously can't live without my little Lovebugs and Cats!!!! Just in case you were wondering, those are the names of my groups that I take care of. Well, that's some about me!! I hope you learned at least one thing about me!

I Finally Got This Thing To Work!!!

YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!! I finally got this thing to work!!! I finally figured it out!!!! I am so happy!!!!

Trying To Get This Thing To Work!!!

hi, everybody! i'm just trying to get this thing to work. unfortunately, it is not working. So, i'm just typing anything, to see if it will come up on my blog.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Absolutely No Idea How To Do This

Hey, fellow bloggers!!!!! Sorry. That probably sounded really strange, but I have really no idea what to say, as this is my first time blogging. I'm a newbie!!!!!! And I do not mean that I was born just now. If so, I would not be blogging right now. I would be saying GOOGOO GAAGAA OOPSY I MADE A POOPSY!!!!!!!! God, do i have to explain everything to you guys??
Now that I have gotten past the intros, I have to get down to business. Look at me, I'm making it sound like I'm in a business meeting, which I most definitely am not. I would never want to be in a business meeting, but i think I have to , because i want to be a singer. Either that, or a surgeon. I know, they serioulsy don't clash, but I can't make up my mind. Ohhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I know what I'll do!!!! I'll be a surgeon who sings while I do surgery!!!! Or, I'll can be a singer who sings about sugery!!!! Either which way, I don't think that I'll get that far. AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! I got off topic again!!!!!!!!!! Shame on me.....


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About Me

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I'm just awesome.... That's all you need to know!