Friday, August 8, 2008

Awesome Day!!

today was an incredibly awesome day. i mean, out of this world awesome. so, today me and my cousin Lucy went to this beach in East/South(i'm not really sure which one it was) Hampton (we call it the big wave beach-- i'm not really sure of the real name, sorry), along with a new member of our family-- an enormous rubber swan. i don't think it's meant for oceans with big waves, but we brought it anyways. let me tell you-- it was completely AWESOME. it was soo sturdy, so we barely ever fell off. there was only twice when something bad actually did happen... one time when me and lucy were on the duck and an enormous wave came and we were almost completely knocked off of the duck. after, me and Lucy knocked heads. it felt like we both had concussions. but we were perfectly fine afterwards. then, there was another wave that we caught too late so it completely knocked us off, sending me and Lucy tumbling all over. when we got out, we were completely covered in sand. we looked hilarious. 
well, thanks for reading about our adventures.... keep reading and commenting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweet!!! sounds like fun. oh and I'm going to the Hamptons next Tuesday so I'll be there from tuesday till sunday. how far is shelter from the hamtons?


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