Monday, August 4, 2008

Awesome Day!!

ok so today was like-- a COMPLETELY awesome day. as not many people know, my cousin Lucy came in from Texas to stay with us for a while... so today we really had nothing to do, so we went down into the town to have a little fun... so, we went to reddings, and we got two MONSTER lollipops, and that was like 5.00 (wayyyyyyy to expensive, but thats the only shop that we can buy food at, so we live with it). my cousin then tried to use this card that she has, but we could only use it if we had 15.00 minimum. so we figured, what the heck, we went back and got two ginormous things of apple juice. it was awesome, cuz we went down to the bridge, and we had so much fun, cuz the lollipops were like almost a foot long, and then the apple juices were like a gallon each. we felt so sick after all of that.... :P the really funny thing was that everyone who drove by was staring at us like we were insane, just sitting there eating our lollipops and dipping the lollipops in apple juice.... i got so crazy after that.... haha
sorry if this was a little random... i think that i'm still kinda crazy from all of that lollipop and apple juice.... :P:P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try root beer and cotton candy. it makes ur jaw feel like its gonna explode


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