Saturday, March 8, 2008

Spring Fling Dance

omgomgomgomg!!!! my dance was on friday, and it was awesome. even though i was 15 minutes late, and i had to miss the last hour of i t, it was sooooooo incredibly awesome!!! the lights were off, and there were strobe lights everywhere, and everyone was screaming..... it was awesome!! you can actually see what it was like if you go onto youtube and type in ms 447 school dance. the picture isn't very good, but the music and everything is awesome!!
note: the song that is going on isn't my favorite, but it's still a really good song. just wanted to let you know, in case you were wondering if i knew the song...


Anonymous said...

omg, that wuz da best dance eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bobo4eva said...

i know. it was actually sooooo much better than last year.

LeaLuvsYouTons said...

looks like fun..

our school used to have like soooo many dances.. now we don't :(

heart you


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