Saturday, March 1, 2008

My View On The World

    Must it always end like this? Here I am, on the rooftop of an apartment in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, while my family is downstairs, recovering from a big fight that we have just had. Is it just my family that does this? Or are we like a million other Americans? Could I be making this up, that my life is so horrible? There are people who are so less fortunate than I am, and you don’t see them complaining.There are people who are dying from starvation and people that are being verbally, mentally, physically, and sexually abused at this very second, and here I am, complaining that my family is having a fight. I need to get the fact through my head that my life isn’t that bad. There are a million other people in this world that are not even complaining, even though their life is probably a lot worse than mine. But I am not the worst of the bunch. Millionaires, people who millions of people want to be, complain about such stupid things, such as their spouse doesn’t like them, or they didn’t get that pearl necklace that they wanted for their birthday or sweet 16. They are stupid. What they should be complaining about is why the government or the president isn’t doing anything about people who have far worse lives than they do. They should be telling the government that we need to do something about all of the homeless people, or the people living in public housing. They should be using their money for the better of the world, not for their own use. They have the power to change the world, and make it a better place for their children, and their grandchildren, and their great-grandchildren, and so on and so forth. See? Even I had to go into the house to escape the cold. Imagine the people who are out on the streets, the people who don’t have a nice warm home to go to. How do those people feel? Apparently no matter what they think, no one gives them a second glance, or gives them something good. They have no room for them in their little icy hearts that are only focused on them. Now, I hear that people are burning homeless people in Florida, thinking that no one could care about them less. Is this what they turned out to be? Is this a glimpse into the future, of what everyone will become later on? The people who started this endless war will be long gone by then, but their family will still remain. Sooner or later, the whole world will become a barren wasteland, full of cold-hearted people who can only care about themselves. The world is already starting to become that way. We need to rebel against the man. Fight against the norm. this way, the world will become a better place for our children, and their grandchildren, and their grandchildren. We need to fight. Fight and WIN.


Anonymous said...

hells ya, u r sooooooooo right, wow, what a speech!!
rebel, rebel be4 its too late!!!
luvs us

Anonymous said...

all hail the magnificent bobo!!!!!!!

Rynn Williams said...

Bolivia -- of course you're right -- but all that matters, really, is that you came upstairs and wrong a long and beautiful post on your blog. That makes it all worth it, in a way. Turn to your art, always, when things are hard -- to your guitar, or your singing, or your writing. Your art will never let you down -- it is what will give you strength -- it's the reason we're here. Don't buy into the fighting. Turn to your creativity. It will carry you.
Love, all love,

LeaLuvsYouTons said...


wow... i didn't know you could be so deep... lea's proud! :)

heart you tonnnnssss


WeWilliamses said...

when families fight, it sucks -- doesn't matter who you are, what you've done or haven't done, how much money you have or don't have, whether we're at war or at peace. What you feel matters.


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